U Change

Studierendeninitiativen für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Mehr


Project No. 551



The FinallyFood project aims to raise awareness of the issue of food waste and to help reduce it. The idea starts with the food that retailers can no longer sell. The retail trade causes about 10% of food waste in Switzerland. 
FinallyFood wants to help food retailers to set an example in dealing with unsaleable food and thus achieve more sustainability. To this end, FinallyFood provides food traders with the necessary infrastructure in which food that can no longer be sold is passed on to the public free of charge. 
In addition, consumers, who are responsible for around 27% of food waste, are to be encouraged to rethink the way they handle food and to make it more sustainable.


Project management:

Mischa Kyburz


Funding category:

A: Student projects


Project duration:

01.07.2022 - 31.12.2023


Involved university:

University of Bern

U Change


House of Academies

Laupenstrasse 7

P.O. Box

3001 Bern
