Sustainability Week Switzerland (SWS) prepared an overview of actions to include sustainability in campus operations taken at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. Visit us and get inspired to act!
Filip Rozycki – Sustainability Week Switzerland (SWS)
We will show information about the sustainability lab of Würzburg and hope to connect with like-minded people at the SUD.
Levi Rhomberg – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
We would like to promote the inter- and transdisciplinary courses we offer to all UZH students and highlight some courses such as the Study Week "Sustainable Development and Transformation".
Robert Ermatinger – Universität of Zürich
Aim at community engagement, we invites SUD participants to answer questions to 1) assessing how they perceive sustainability at their university, and 2) introducing their sustainability team and work
Marie-Lou Pijnenburg – ETH Zürich
By fostering collaboration between science and art and considering intersection of climate change and social issues, we strive to create a language of color for people to engage with climate topics.
Yue Wu – ZHdK
Plant-Based Universities is a student-led campaign holding universities accountable for research. We advocate for 100% plant-based catering to tackle the climate crisis and biodiversity loss.
Chantal Senn – Plant-Based Universities
Wir präsentieren Mycrobez, einem Basler Clean-Tech Start-up, das Plastik als Verschleissmaterial im Massenmarkt ablösen und einen kreislaufwirtschaftlichen Materialstandard einführen will.
Linus Müller – mycrobez
What does a sustainable university look like? We present a vision of a sustainable ETH Zurich from the perspective of students (SSC) and mid-level academic staff (AVETH Sustainability).
Carl Hemprich – ETH Zürich
Films have the power to convey even challenging topics on different levels and allow us to get very close to people and events. As volunteers, we make the inspiring festival films for future possible – you can be part of this too.
Christina Marchand – ZHAW
Das ZKSD bietet Raum für handlungsorientierte Forschungs-/Projekte für nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Livia Gygax – Universität Zürich
Cathérine Hartmann – ZHAW
Covering the period 2022-2023, SUPSI and FFHS present the second sustainability report, a snapshot of the initiatives and good practices in favour of the different dimensions of sustainability.
Camilla Belfiore – SUPSI
Présentation des différentes initiatives en cours au sein de nos organisations avec des flyers, articles, ...
Based on interviews with early-career researchers, this presentation highlights visions to transform academia for sustainability by rethinking structures, incentives, and fostering engaged science
Sarah Keller – Universität Zürich
Presentation of the student group AG Nachhaltigkeit and it's different ongoing projects.
Jessica Granchi – AG Nachhaltigkeit
UniNEtZ (Universitäten und Nachhaltige Entwicklung Ziele) ist ein österreichweites, universitätsübergreifendes Projekt, das Wissenschaftler*innen aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen zusammenbringt, um gemeinsam die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen zu unterstützen.
Eva-Maria Holzinger, Milena Eberharter – UniNEtZ
Universities serve as role models in many areas. As an institution where research is conducted, knowledge is collected, taught and lived, the UZH has a significant and important responsibility. This is especially true in the area of sustainability, which is more present than ever in the wake of the climate strike movement. The VSUZH is committed to sustainability at the University of Zurich. This is done, among other things, through the Student Sustainability Commission (NHK), which is presenting its work at the stand.
Leah Heuri – VSUZH Nachhaltigkeitskommission
Overview of the projects supported by the funding programme (2021-2024), in the form of a geographical map of Switzerland. With QR codes giving access to project descriptions in three languages.
Lucrezia Oberli – U Change
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