U Change

Studierendeninitiativen für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Mehr

Wozu braucht es U Change?

Im Kontext der UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) haben Fragestellungen rund um die globale nachhaltige Entwicklung politisch an Aktualität gewonnen. Die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit gesamtgesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen während des Studiums und das Einüben inter- und transdisziplinärer Arbeitsweisen ist dafür von hoher Relevanz.


  • The programme supports student projects on SD and ESD in order to promote the competence development of those who will decisively shape the world of tomorrow;
  • promotes support platforms that coach students in the planning and implementation of their projects;
  • promotes U Change workshops by students for students to connect the projects with each other and support peer-to-peer learning.
  • supports exchange and networking within and between students and swiss universities in the field of SD and ESD through an annual programme conference - Sustainable University Day.

A total of CHF 2.5 million is available for the programme over the four years. Of this, CHF 1.9 million will be awarded to projects through competitive calls for proposals.

U Change


House of Academies

Laupenstrasse 7

P.O. Box

3001 Bern
