U Change

Studierendeninitiativen für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Mehr


Project No. 560



Our project De-Construction is an artistic project that questions basic principles of our society that go against sustainability: the dominant competitive and con- sumerist values and the general commercialisation and marketing of almost all ar- eas of life.

With our means and in our language (body, movement, puppets and objects) we want to create a theatrical performance that on the one hand visualises the mechanisms of consumerism and on the other hand contrasts them with an alternative logic, where producing, selling, buying and consuming are not the fundamental principles.

The show aims to offer a shared collective experience, beyond the spectator as a passive consumer, which contributes to a greater awareness of immaterial goods and their importance for a more sustainable human future.

* The name De-Construction corresponds to the name of the whole project (research, inves- tigation, creation) the name of the show itself could vary depending on the artistic results *


Project management:


Julio Adrian Yanez Melendrez

Eva Sotriffer



Funding category:

A: Student projects


Project duration:

01.07.2022 - 20.12.2022


Involved universities:

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana

U Change


House of Academies

Laupenstrasse 7

P.O. Box

3001 Bern
