U Change

Studierendeninitiativen für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Mehr

Sustainabiliy Art Laboratory @ ATD (SusArtLab@ATD)

Project No. 554



The SDGs offer a comprehensive political formulation for global, complex problems, but remain unapproachable for many. With our project, we provide space for the question: To what extent can movement theatre serve to address the SDGs and thereby motivate people to take active action? With our "SusArtLab@ATD", we want to give students the framework to become creative mediators of sustainability and multipliers for education for ESD. In our laboratory, small student performances and project seedlings are created and consolidated under supervision. A network of diverse actors embeds the results of our creative experiments in a larger social context and offers professional perspectives.


Project management:

Simon Wahl


Funding category:

A: Student projects


Project duration:

01.09.2022 - 31.03.2023


Involved university:

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana

U Change


House of Academies

Laupenstrasse 7

P.O. Box

3001 Bern
