Project No. 553
This project aims to create a central coordination hub for student sustainability projects, the Incubator BeNE. This incubator BeNE is to serve as a central coordination hub for sustainability projects and to establish service learning as a guiding method for sustainability projects. Furthermore, within the framework of this project, support offers such as workshops in project work, creative work as well as guidelines, checklists and tutorials are to be created to enable and motivate students to carry out their own sustainability projects. With the help of this start-up funding, the BeNE Incubator would also like to develop appropriate training and further education for lecturers so that they can accompany students meaningfully in their project work. Finally, the project funds are to be used to build up and establish a regional (B)NE network.
Project management:
Patrick Kunz
Funding category:
B1: Support platforms for student projects
Project duration:
01.08.2022 - 31.12.2024
Involved university:
Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern